I use apt-dater to manage updates to numerous XEN domUs, after starting to use Alpine Linux I needed to implement apt-dater-host support for Alpine Linux.
Normally apt-dater host support is implemented in Perl, but as that is not present in a base Alpine install, this implementation of ADP-0.6 was done in ash, sed and awk provided by Busybox.
Link to code on GitHub: apt-dater-host apk support (merged upstream).
Example output, when running apt-dater against an alpine host with pending updates
v [-] (alpine 3.4.0 ; 4.4.11-0-grsec) u: alpine-base u: alpine-baselayout u: alpine-conf u: blkid u: busybox u: busybox-initscripts u: busybox-suid u: curl u: expat u: libblkid u: libcrypto1.0 u: libssl1.0 u: libuuid u: linux-grsec u: mkinitfs u: musl u: musl-utils